The (Minimal) Prep Work Required to Describe a Product or Service (With Bad Art!)

Before we attempt to describe whatever product or service we are offering / being offered, it may be helpful to place it on this graph. My inner Luddite suggests you follow these instructions to draw it for yourself: From left to right on the x-axis, we have “products” on one end and “services” on the … Continue reading The (Minimal) Prep Work Required to Describe a Product or Service (With Bad Art!)

Captain of the Upstream JV Meme Team

Think back for a moment and categorize the social groups in your life along this continuum: controlled – participatory. Examples: Family (born into, controlled), elementary school (selected for you, controlled), friends (mostly participatory, but typically formed as an extension of a controlled environment like school/neighborhood), sports (a mix of participatory and controlled), the Bachelor text … Continue reading Captain of the Upstream JV Meme Team

Better Berger’s and Godin’s Guts

New continuum to ponder: reactive – creative. -          Warren Berger was just on The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish talking about asking better questions. Full disclosure, I haven’t read any of Berger’s works previously, but he’s on my list now. So let’s ask some questions about this continuum. -          Think of the extremes as two … Continue reading Better Berger’s and Godin’s Guts