A Day Can Be A Lot Of Things At Once

It’s Monday. And it’s a holiday. And it’s specifically a Memorial Day holiday.

And it’s a pandemic. And it’s a day to be at home even though that’s kind of the only option still. And that means not working from home today. And it means going back to working from home tomorrow.

And it means remembering those who served today. And it means barbecue. And it means checking the weather app for when this rain is going to stop.

And it means slacking off a bit. And it means getting that stuff done I keep saying I don’t have time for. And it means remembering there’s time for anything you actually want to do. And it means I won’t get (all of? any of?) those things done.

And it means I slept in and lost a few hours already. And it means now I probably won’t fall asleep tonight. And it means I’m remembering I should get more sleep more regularly. And, and, and.

A day can be a lot of things at once. They’re all labeled-up to infinity already. Now, just to do something with it. Not just anything, something.