If Your Art Is Criticized, You’re Doing It Right

Victor Rice life lessons

If Your Art Is Criticized, You’re Doing It Right

Critics, criticisms, and critical opinions are the sign you’re on the right track.

If somebody appreciates what you’re doing, that’s a good sign.

But if somebody is annoyed, agitated, or angry about what you’re doing - it’s a great sign.

You shouldn’t create to annoy or agitate or make people angry, don’t misread this.

But you should create on the assumption that something for everyone is something for no one.

So if you make something you are truly proud of, that’s a beautiful thing.

And anybody else who doesn’t feel the same way doesn’t make it any less beautiful.

Victor Rice shared this online the other day and it stopped me in my tracks for a moment. Victor’s made some of my favorite musical sounds and moments. He’s still making incredible sounds and music.

He says don’t be me, but I’m telling you, be as brave as Victor Rice and the world will be a better places for it.

If your art is criticised by fellow artists, 

you're doing it right.

I personally care way too much what other 

musicians think and that's probably why 

I'm usually broke.

Don't be me.

Ps. IF YOU HAVE NEVER watched people perform/mix dub live, in the tradition of Lee “Scratch” Perry, just give this a minute and see if you can tell what he’s doing to create this sonic landscape.