Under The Bridge

Yes, the Chili Peppers song, and yes, there are heavy and emotional bridge metaphors discussed in this post

Saturday Morning Media: Under The Bridge

What do you do when you know you’re surrounded by people and yet completely cut off from everyone at the same time?

You don’t cross any bridges. 

More realistically, you might end up under one. 

I don’t care if you love or hate the song. 

It tapped into something. 

Which isn’t a heroin reference. 

It might be a heroine reference though, if a city can be one, 

Under the bridge downtown

Is where I drew some blood

Under the bridge downtown

Forgot about my love

Under the bridge downtown

I could not get enough

Under the bridge downtown

I gave my life away

But you should listen to him tell the story. Because it gets pretty dark for him. Before he gets out from under the bridge and gets back to making music with his friend. 

Get out from under the bridges. 

Get back on top of them. 

I’m thinking of this a lot. It starts right around the 48-minute mark in Funky Monks.