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  • Build Networks, Be An Advocate, Be (A Little) Delusional: Lessons From Troy Carter

Build Networks, Be An Advocate, Be (A Little) Delusional: Lessons From Troy Carter

Three simple systems we can implement today, inspired by Troy Carter’s career, life, and struggles: 

  1. Build networks 

  1. Be an advocate

  1. Be (a little) delusional 

An example of each:

Build Networks: We don’t just “have” networks, we don’t just go to “networking” events, we actually exist within networks. Building networks from our current/starting point within a network is how we enhance the infrastructure. It includes any time we are added to an existing network of people or ideas, and any time we add people or ideas to our networks. The more we connect, the more value the networks have. Connect, connect, connect. 

Be An Advocate: It is really, really hard to put an idea out into the world (or introduce one to a network, especially a “new” idea). Help others have a voice. Bonus: It’s also a network-building activity because it will inevitably lead to connective conversations we otherwise might not have had. 

Be (a little) delusional: We have to be a little delusional to think certain things will work or else we’ll never try. A little delusion is a superpower. A little delusion is how we do things that are different. Growth comes from taking chances on ideas and people and rarely is it perfectly quantifiable it optimizable in real-time. 

These are all small ideas with huge potential impacts if we put them into practice. They also don’t require we have anything to start with except some time to dedicate to each. What are we doing today to build on our current network’s infrastructure? Who or what are we advocating for? What are we being (a little) delusional about in the name of growth? These are the questions to ask. Start small, finish big – but start today.