Cain And Abel

the first murderers and the secrets of story (via Alan Moore's Swamp Thing)

Cain And Abel

Cain and Abel. You know them - as in The Original Bible Bros. Those two surprised me when they showed up in Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing run, and they kind of blew my mind when they delivered what’s become one of my favorite explorations of the overlap of story, humanity, and morality. 

Without any major spoilers - 

When we are introduced to Cain and Abel, they’re effectively in hell. 

The brothers meet Abby, a character I won’t explain for sake of this piece (but IYKYK), and what’s important is that they’re presenting her with a choice

Cain and Abel, in Moore’s mind, are agents of the unconscious, and asking Abby if she’s in search of a mystery or a secret

A mystery is a wonder you can ponder and share. 

A secret is a burden to carry alone. 

From the characters who invented murder, the first predator and first victim, an offer of choosing a story to have shared with you, locked away in the depths of hell. They ask this to Abby, but isn’t this what we all ask any time we share anything? 

Do you want a story about a mystery that you can ponder and share with the world? 


Do you want a story about a burden you’ll never open up to another about, to live deep inside you? 

It’s an insight into story-stakes. Its an insight into story-purpose. It’s an inward-facing self-excavation, or an outward-reaching communal exploration. 

Where will the story you tell leave the receiver?

A narrative takes us on a journey. 

Either deeper in, or farther out. 

When you write and when you share, what direction do you want to propel the receiver of your story? 

Every story has an action. 

Are you directing the recipient in or out? 

Every recipient has a reaction. 

At least of the good stories. 

Right back to the first stories. You’ll have to read the story yourself to find out where it goes. Moore does not disappoint. 

Comics were never just for kids people. It’s not just Bluey and Inside Out. Revisiting Moore always wrecks me like this.