Contending With Ourselves

A (spoiler-free) Game of Thrones quote, “We may have defeated them, but we still have us to contend with.” 

Vanguard estimated financial advisors can add about 3% in value annually to their clients’ account balances. The largest drivers of that additional growth weren’t from picking better investments but were routed in discipline and behavior.

It’s no mistake that the quote above happens in a conversation between two advisers. The voice in our heads, the “self” we all have to contend with every day, is often the most difficult opponent we’ll face. If we don’t have the internal conflict under control, we can hardly face the external ones. 

Having an outside voice for help is an age-old profession for a reason. The value we create comes from the help we bring to the journey, not the destination. Having a guide to navigate may or may not help one conquer the Seven Kingdoms, or even add an extra 3% to our accounts, but choosing help is the first step to improving our odds of a successful journey. No one has to figure it all out alone.