Cultish Creative Weekly Recap (9/28/2024)

ska shrinks,

Why do we like weird stuff and then why do we feel bad about liking weird stuff in the first place?

Aaron Carnes, music journalist, author of In Defense of Ska (second edition coming out next month!) and podcast extraordinaire, joined me and Dr. Daniel Crosby, behavioral psychologist, finance professional, and also a NEW book author (The Soul of Wealth, next month too!) came on Just Press Record so we could discuss it. And so I could make ska band name jokes about them, which I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do.

Pick it up, pick it up on Cultish Creative YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts:

Over on Excess Returns, I got to fly solo with Brent Donnelly to talk about his book, 50 Trades in 50 Weeks. Brent wrote a Substack live-journaling a trading experiment in 2022. When people ask me what to read about getting into trading, or speculating at all, this is the book I now point them towards. Oh, and - teaser - I’ve got an upcoming Intentional Investor with Brent too so you can hear his wild backstory (including us talking about his Canadian cartoon success):

Meanwhile, posts you might have missed!

The Springfield, Ohio story, as its unfolded since “the debate comments,” is a case study. Don’t miss it. If you care about community, especially if you grew up in a small(er) community, these are stories worth sharing. Miss Sassy wouldn’t want it any other way either. Read, “The Boy Who Cried Pet-Eaters.”

My wife and I are about to rewatch Reality Bites because of this post. Ebert’s review is epic. And I’m going to find out if my present-day wife agrees Winona Ryder’s character picked the wrong guy (because her teenage self agreed with the Ethan Hawke move, which, to be fair, if I were a teenage girl I’d totally have done the same).

Scott Bradlee wrote a beautiful art in the age of AI piece on his Substack, called “The Contentapocalypse is Coming.” I had thoughts and wrote them here. Spoilers: neither of us are scared of the big bad Wolframmification of our realities. We’re both excited.