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  • Do Something They Can’t Or Won’t Do Because It’s Hard

Do Something They Can’t Or Won’t Do Because It’s Hard

“The trick to brand strategy is to do something others can’t or won’t because it’s really hard.” -Scott Galloway

The questions: what won’t others do, what do they think is really hard, what would really separate us from someone else in a comparable position or field?

Some examples:

Apple making a delightfully usable and intuitive smartphone phone interface with the first iPhone (nobody wants a tiny computer).

Airbnb making a platform to rent out living space to compete with hotels (nobody is just going to stay in someone else’s house).

Nike choosing Colin Kaepernick as a brand ambassador (how many people will reject the brand over this).

Yes, there’s nuance here, but you have to admit, they’re all audacious. If you do something others can’t or won’t and enough people approve, you’ve pulled away from the pack.

When you’ve pulled away from the pack – congratulations. That’s the goal of differentiation. That’s the goal of brand strategy. That’s where we have to set our sights: what others can’t or won’t do because it’s really hard.