Don’t Give The Best Answers, Ask The Best Questions

Great artists don’t provide the best answers.  

Great artists ask the best questions. 

Both questions and answers get discussed, analyzed and criticized, but there’s a difference. 

We have personal opinions of answers, but we have personalized answers to posed questions. 

It’s risky to let the audience answer for themselves. It’s risky to let others be the judge and find their own verdict. 

It’s also risky to think we have all of the answers. It’s risky to assume everyone will see it in our exact way. 

Greatness requires an audience bigger than one. An audience doesn’t gather unless there’s something worth talking about, something worth sharing. 

Questions drive conversations. Questions drive involvement. A great artist asking a great question creates community. 

We don’t have to be painting paintings or sculpting sculptures to make something people will want to gather and talk about. It applies to the work we all do every day. 

It’s on us to make it artful, and to invite the personalized answers to the questions we want to ask our community. 

So, what do YOU think?