Drew Dickson Is An Intentional Investor

stay in the "civility" game

You think you know a few things about a person, and then they start telling you about how their dad served on their home state’s Supreme Court…

How the same dad made the career switch as the person entered college, how the family’s finances took a major step back, and how that’s a confluence of bad things when you’re a self-described worst/laziest student ever. You don’t want to be bringing home D’s to a dad who’s helping you pay, let alone to a dad that can’t help you pay.

But if you’re Drew Dickson, it’s kind of in your name, so every time you come home, you’re bringing the D’s with or without the report card.

I had never heard Drew talk much about his Dad before. I knew about him going to University of Chicago, about being drawn to Eugene Fama’s more quantitative work, but being most excited about how Fama hired the guy who at face value was his nemesis, the behavioral psychology focused economist, Richard Thaler.

Who says, “I want to go to an academic university for my advanced degree where there’s the greatest odds of conflict?”

Drew Dickson, ladies and gentlemen, that’s who.

But still, why?

Because of what his dad taught him. Not in lecture, but in actions. As a lawyer, and then as an Indiana Supreme Court judge.


Drew watched his dad battle with people. Dissensions. Declarations. Decisions. And then, after all the drawn out dialogue, they’d… go to lunch. Together. All of them! You could do that. You could disagree, and still be friends in real life, and then go back to disagreeing at work.

And it could make you better.

You might know Drew from his viral essay, “Stay in the Game.” You might know him from his success at Albert Bridge Capital. You don’t know Drew like this yet, with all of these other pieces of the puzzle let in, and sorry if he hates the lack of edits, but even the way he lets the dog in and out while we were recording, it’s context.

Drew Dickson is truly an Intentional Investor. Watch/listen now on Epsilon Theory YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts: