February Is The Worst

February is over in a week. I used to think it was a silly month. Austin Kleon said it best, 

What good is February? I used to think February is a good month to die. February is a month for florists, with its Valentine’s Day bouquet and funeral arrangements.

Sounds pretty accurate to me. 

But, as he continues in his post, “February resolutions,” it’s a small month and perfect for small challenges. Maybe we should forget the New Year’s January resolutions, and go with February resolutions. 28 days to do something right. 

So if you’re a procrastinator, as I am, here’s your one week’s notice. Not to panic, but to pick something small and do it for a week. 

Because why not? 

If it doesn’t work out, February pop-up “flowers for funerals and lovers” stores might be a good thought for next year. 

Small things I’m doing this year: besides writing here, I’m trying to figure out twitter. If you’re there, give me a follow and say hi https://twitter.com/CultishCreative