Force A Choice, Not A Comparison

Force a choice, not a comparison.

This compared to that turns into a debate over what’s better and what’s worse.

It’s ok to have a debate, but we don’t want to trigger an endless questioning process when our goal is action.

Instead, we want to force choice by giving a clear example of why “this is the only reasonable option,” or at least “it’s a no-brainer to pick this over that.”

We all know “How do you feel about McDonald’s versus Burger King” turns into a debate about french fry crispness and Big Macs versus Whoppers. This is a tired conversation.

“You’re getting dinner and have to pick between McDonald’s or Burger King, choose now” is a very different question. There’s an action. There’s a decisiveness. This brings clarity, and clarity brings confidence.

With products and services, creating questions around choice and not direct comparison is the way to build walls and moats around a business. It’s up to us to choose (and design) wisely.