Get Down On It: What Else I’m Up To, 1/5/2024 Edition

It’s the most, wonderful time, of the year (just to making sure that’s still stuck in your head too). 

Let’s face it, you’ve had a lot going on. You’ve probably missed some of the other things I’m doing. Maybe it’s because we aren’t connected on X/Twitter or LinkedIn, or maybe it’s because my self-promotional skills are still lacking. 

And as the prophet Kool spoke unto his Gang, “How you gonna do it if you really won’t take a chance, by standing on the wall?”

  1. I got married! There are a few pre-wedding nuggets you can dig out of recent posts, but this one is my favorite, “Fall In Love (12/27/2023)

  2. We made 2024 predictions, reflected on 2023, and talked about all sorts of related market and investment trends on the Excess Returns YouTube channel. I’m really proud of these two episodes. I’m also proud of my Van Halen references.  

  3. Our Breaking News YouTube channel continues to be a home for conversations I was scared to have in public a few short months ago. I’m loving that by keeping the themes tied back to Ben Hunt’s work on narratives and game theory, we can wrap so many topical stories together. In “The Winning Narratives of the Aggrieved Trump” we start with Election 2024 stuff and break down the battle over the ballots at the state level. We end the episode on Rick Rubin and New Year’s resolutions. If you have “clear eyes and full heart” on your 2024 goals list, you want to hear this.  

Last but not least – 

Do you want to write more, or better organize your notes for later use, but don’t know where to start? 

I’m looking for people to help me build some case studies as I work out a Personal Archive guidebook (of some sort, TBD!). If this is you, get in touch. This is a big 2024 focus for me.

And what about you? Any New Year’s resolutions, great reads, or funny stories to share? The inboxes and DMs are open – “Dance, come on…”