Gut Versus Guy

outsource execution, insource intuition

Gut Versus Guy

If you know why you’re doing something - 

Which is to say, you know your “true north”

Or have some directional orientation to help you answer all other questions,* then

If you know why something has to be done in a certain way, trust your gut. 


If you know what precisely needs to be executed on, as in a “next step” or any procedural task, trust your guy. 

Or your gal. Or your whatever. It’s not a gender things, it’s a play on the expression. 

The point is simple. 

If you know why, trust your gut. 

If you know what, trust your guy. 

You’ve got a guy, right? 

Outsource execution. Insource intuition. 

h/t Matthew Stafford and Katie Lewis, I made this note to myself while reading their (excellent) book, Find Your 9 Others