Halloween Is For Misfits

Mommy, can I go out and trick or treat tonight?

You’re holding your used bin copy of Walk Among Us by Misfits in your hands, sitting in front of your boombox, on the edge of the stool in your bedroom, and, you’re just in sheer awe of the goth-pop coming out of the speakers, pondering if this is what it would’ve sounded like if the Ramones were vampires, but also recontextualizing the glue-sniffing metalheads in your life, or at least the ones who have a sense of humor and aren’t all religious about it, and you can’t help but get over why crooning horror movie poster lyrics over distorted guitars works so well.

How did the Misfits even happen? And why is it such a New Jersey thing? It only could have happened in New Jersey, we all know this, right?

Halfway through an album of pop songs at any other tempo with any other lyrics, you get one live track.

One live track, in the middle of a studio album, and it makes NO SENSE. But it becomes one of your favorite songs. You’ll repeat the words to yourself while walking your dog years later. You’ll repeat the words to yourself while doing dishes. You’ll repeat the words to your friends to start impromptu mosh pits in checkout lines at the Turkey Hill.


From the count-off to the sludge-trudge of the first 30ish seconds, it’s a masterpiece in the making. Then, the band drops out, and we get the most Rosemary’s Baby pregnant pause of recorded goth adjacent music since the anticip………..ation of Rocky Horror.


Can I go out and

kill tonight?

Moshing, head banging, and aggro-energy-expulsions ensue. It’s magic. Happy Halloween!