Hope For The Best. Expect The Worst. Happy New Year.

As 2021 draws to a close, I want to say thank you for everybody who reads these little emails/posts I’m sending. I know how many newsletters I personally subscribe (and have unsubscribed) to. The idea that you spend even a few minutes a day sharing a thought with me… I am incredibly grateful. Making these posts public has been one of the most rewarding practices I’ve ever practiced into practice.

Here’s my closing thought for 2021, and my opening idea for 2022 via Mel Brooks,

“Hope for the best. Expect the worst.”

I’ve got big plans for 2022. I’ve got big ideas. I’ve also gotten pretty accustomed to things not going according to plan and ideas evolving far from where they start. Brooks sums it up better than anybody. Life is messy, but you’d better be an optimist.

I’m ringing in 2022 to this song, “Hope For The Best Expect The Worst” from The Twelve Chairs soundtrack. Thanks for being here with me. Cheers!

Hope for the best, expect the worstSome drink champagne, some die of thirstNo way of knowing which way it’s goingHope for the best, expect the worst!

Hope for the best, expect the worstThe world’s a stage, we’re unrehearsedSome reach the top, friends, while others drop, friendsHope for the best, expect the worst!

I knew a man who saved a fortune that was splendidThen he died the day he planned to go and spend itShouting “Live while you’re alive! No one will survive!”Life is sorrow—here today and gone tomorrow

Live while you’re alive, no one will survive—there’s no guarantee

Hope for the best, expect the worstYou could be Tolstoy or Fannie HurstSo take your chances; there are no answersHope for the best expect the worst!

I knew a man who saved a fortune that was splendidThen he died the day he’d planned to go and spend it,Shouting “Live while you’re alive! No one will survive!”Life is funny—Save your worries! Spend your money!

Live while you’re alive, no one will survive—there’s no guarantee

Hope for the best; expect the worst.The rich are blessed; the poor are cursedThat is a fact, friends, the deck is stacked, friendsHope for the best, expect the…

Even with a good beginning, it’s not certain that you’re winning.Even with the best of chances, they can kick you in the pantsesLook out for the- Watch out for the worst!Hey!