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Introducing My YouTube Show/Podcast “Just Press Record”

Introducing My YouTube Show/Podcast “Just Press Record”

It’s official. I’m a YouTuber. Apparently. And, so far, it’s not bad! Because of things like this.

Cultish Creative has a YouTube channel and, to start, ONE show.

On each episode, I’ll invite not one, but TWO (!) guests to have a conversation about a common area of interest.

The goal is to guide two super-smart people into a philosophical conversation about a big idea, in plain enough English, so we (yeah, me too) can learn from them.

Remember in school where you’d hear two people talk - not debate, just talk, and you’d actually learn something about yourself, life, and what it all means to be human?

Not just anybody either, think like, two well-experienced professors or smart friends with totally different majors talking. Transcending boundaries and finding common language. Without fighting. With a real exploration of an idea.

Just Press Record is here to recreate that experience on the regular.

Because it already happens when I talk to people, I just never recorded it before this. And, especially because after recording a call between Jess Bost, Tom Morgan, and myself, they said, “You should just press record on more of these.”

Listen to your smart friends people. Listen. To. Your. Smart. Friends. You can see my notes on that conversation here.

Today, I’m releasing a conversation with Brian Portnoy and Mat Cashman.

Brian is behavioral finance expert. Think psychology of decision making, how the presentation of choices influences the decisions we make - especially around money and happiness, etc. His day job is writing/thinking/teaching behavioral financial “stuff” at his company, Shaping Wealth.

Mat is an options expert (re: financial derivates). Think option trading math, logic, and education. His day job is to be the Principal of Investor Education at the OCC (aka the Options Industry Council, aka the world's largest equity derivatives clearing organization).

This conversation gets a little heady at the beginning, but ignore the talk about delta/gamma/etc. if you need to, and focus on the life stuff.

They talk about how they hope their kids will accumulate options.

They talk about how options and choices from their career got them to where they are today.

They talk about how much optionality we need to maintain in our lives to be happy.

I still can’t believe I’m getting to do this. And you’re not going to believe some of the guests I have coming up either. Watch, subscribe, and if you have an idea for guests or questions, get in touch.