Just Press Record: Phil Pearlman And Jessica Yarmey

The Metaphysical Psychologist and the Entrepreneurial Athlete

Just Press Record: Phil Pearlman And Jessica Yarmey

Did you dodge the bullet or step right in front of it?

(metaphorically, but of course)

I don’t think you find your way without some course correcting. You pick a few knocks. A few scratches. You might even take a few (again, metaphorical) bullets. You need do die and be reborn in the same way you need the seasons to cycle through, again and again and again.

These two get this. The way. The seasons. The changes. The WORK.

Dr. Phil Pearlman was almost a practicing clinical psychologist when he wandered into a finance career. It almost killed him - the work, the stress, the coping mechanisms that come with it. But he figured it out, largely by reconnecting with himself, and these days I mostly think of him as a practicing metaphysical psychologist.

Jessica Yarmey was a fitness fanatic trapped in a fast food marketer’s career paths. How many vegetarian marathoners do you know who can sell a mushroom swiss burger? You should read that sentence and think one part “she’s just that good” and another part “oh my god, this is going to destroy her.” Like Phil, she figured it out too. She reconnected with her core athlete self, and these days I think of her as an ultimate example of an entrepreneurial athlete.

What is it about storytelling and reinvention?

What is it about helping others along the way?

What is it about just how serious you have to take death and rebirth to make sense of booking a retreat in the fall even if it only helps one other person?

The stuff Phil and Jessica got into during our conversation - if you listen and don’t want to Kool-Aid Man through a wall just to prove to one person there’s a whole world on the other side…

Come for the stories about marketing jobs and killer careers, but stay for the transformations about finding your way AND helping others find theirs.

I knew these two would find a thing or two in common, but this was beyond my imagination -