Leadership Starts Within Ourselves: See Paris First

Are we ignoring the risk or are we accepting it? Are we conscious of it or are we ignorant towards it? Do we know what we fear and seek to avoid it or are we willing to explore it?

Whether tangible or intangible, personal or professional, when we lead we have to go to these places.

M. Truman Cooper‘s poem, “See Paris First,” is an essential reminder. We need a voice in our head, we need a friend who knows us, to tell us to go there. To accept it, to be conscious of it, to explore it, whatever it is.

Suppose that what you fearcould be trapped,and held in Paris.Then you would havethe courage to goeverywhere in the world.All the directions of the compassopen to you,except the degrees east or westof true norththat lead to Paris.Still, you wouldn’t dareput your toessmack dab on the city limit line.You’re not really willingto stand on a mountainsidemiles awayand watch the Paris lightscome up at night.Just to be on the safe sideyou decide to stay completelyout of France.But then dangerseems too closeeven to those boundaries,and you feelthe timid part of youcovering the whole globe again.You need the kind of friendwho learns your secret and says,“See Paris first.”