Be More Mid

Scales Vs. Scaling Pt. II

Be More Mid

You should be more mid.

That doesn’t mean don’t aim too high.

But it does mean don’t aim too low.

Be better than nothing, be OK with not being everything.

That’s mid, too.

It’s not worst thing, it’s not the best thing, and it’s the thing you can put out into the world.

If you want another axis to put it on -

Don’t worry about making whatever you’re making scale to be for everyone.

Focus on making sure that whatever you’re making has meaning for someone.

Be more mid.

More than nothing, less than perfection (which is a myth anyway).

More meaning, less so big it’s meaningless to me (or the people you care about).

ps. All these variations are spiraling in my head, really since this conversation with Scott Bradlee and Kyla Scanlon: