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  • Mokokoma Mokhonoana’s (Incredible) Explanation Of His Work

Mokokoma Mokhonoana’s (Incredible) Explanation Of His Work

I think I’m mostly just in awe of this. Independent-A-F. Value assertive. Boundaries defined. 

From the website of Mokokoma Mokhonoana, check out how he explains himself and let me know how you react to this. I’m not saying I want to be able to get away with this, but I can’t not respect someone who does (!):

A mystic, philosopher, social critic, poet, graphic designer, marketer, satirist, wordsmith, etc.

I share my work every day (mostly aphorisms, “quotes”, 2 new ones a day) via Buy Me A Coffee, the only platform for really following my work (I share only 2 new aphorisms a week via social media).

This is how you pronounce my name, why I write, and a message from Planet Earth through me.

For the best way to support my work, share my work—as often as you are able or willing—with others. For the second best way, leave me alone. (For the third best way, quote the last two sentences.)

Need a memorable and profitable slogan for your organization or campaign? I charge a minimum of 50,000 USD to craft one. (Pun intended: I’ll craft only one slogan. Or rather, I’ll give you one slogan—I’ll choose, from those I will have come up with, the one that best solves your problem.)

Email: psst @ mokokoma . com (without the spaces, obviously). I’m currently off the internet.

(Obviously, reading your email will cost me a portion of my life. So, please make that portion as small as you can, by getting to the point as quickly as you can, and leaving out useless sentences such as “I love your work” and unnecessary words such as “Hi”.)

One Love
