How Much Do We Change Over Time?

somethings will never, other things will always

How Much Do We Change Over Time?

How much do we change over time? And, 

If you want to be different, why are you digging in?

Why you climbing up so high? 

Just going to let it roll?

If the contrast between how you see yourself now, and how you remember yourself way back when, has so many differences,

Why is the contrast between how you see yourself now, and how you think you’ll turn out way down the road so similar?

Do you think you can see the future from that hole?

Do you think you can see the future from up on that mountain? 

Do you think, maybe you can just see what you see, and you need to start doing something? 

Not all of us change over time, but

Enough of it does. Right? Doesn’t it kind of have to?

Because that’s growth? 

That’s what we want?

That’s what we get?

So why dig in?

Why climb so high just to see if that’s the thing?

Why not let it roll?

Why not walk it out? 

h/t Shankar Vendatam on the TED Stage making me go, “what?!”

Oh, and did this post get this Meat Puppets song stuck in your head too? 

Some things will never change

They just stand there looking backwards

Half-unconscious from the pain

They may seem rearranged

In the backwater swirling

There is something that'll never change