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  • Music Sunday: Aviici, Isbell, Cuban Jazz, Cardi B, And My Plea To Bring Boogaloo Back

Music Sunday: Aviici, Isbell, Cuban Jazz, Cardi B, And My Plea To Bring Boogaloo Back

Can’t say I was a big Aviici fan, but I can say that Bob Lefsetz did what he does best discussing how frustrating it is to lose a young talent to (what was likely) drugs. Read his letter here:

Jason Isbell was on Sound Opinions this past week. At the end of the day, I’m a sucker for good guitar playing and good lyrics. Isbell, from his days with the Drive by Truckers has been a near endless source of both.

For the stoic philosophy crowd, listen to the whole interview to hear him talk about the backstory to “If We Were Vampires.” What is love and what is art without the reality of our impending death? Country Seneca…

Cuba just got a new president, and I can’t really even guess at what that means, but on the other hand – I also got deep into the new album by Cuban artists Orquesta Akokan, “Salsa y Tropical.”

Last but not least, I’m staking Cardi B’s “I Like It” as a probable “inescapable song of the summer.” I’m also having a lot of fun playing Pete Rodriguez’s “I Like It Like That” like it’s a 60s Bronx block party everywhere I go. Know your samples people. And bring boogaloo back.