Panic Is Another Form Of Preparation

Panic is another form of preparation. We panic when something needs to get done that hasn’t been done yet. Panicking is always a reaction to something impending or that’s just occurred. It’s not very strategic, but it does serve a purpose.

Every panic offers lessons. These aren’t always easy to spot in real-time, but they should be looked for and studied. In every organization, someone has to notice what’s happening and document it to look back on. It’s not just the headline data points either. It’s the sentiment and day to day moments too.

I’ve been starting my own list. Everything from what we keep in storage at the house, to tech stuff related to work that’s been good and bad, to how I’ve been reconnecting with old friends. Panic can be last second preparation in the form of a reaction, and it can be long term preparation in the form of building knowledge for next time.

Panic = pay attention. There are lots to learn. Slight advantages gained today will pay off later.