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  • Patti LaBelle’s Fondest Memory Of The Apollo (Embrace The Chase)

Patti LaBelle’s Fondest Memory Of The Apollo (Embrace The Chase)

Is your fondest memory the end result OR something on the journey?

It’s worth asking. 

Because wherever you are now, wherever you want to go, your fondest memory might be closer than you think. 

Life is funny like that. 

Like when they asked Patti LaBelle what her fondest memory of the Apollo Theater was and she said, 

Eating sardines, and eating hotdogs, and putting the hotdogs on a lightbulb to save them between shows so that when I came off I would have dinner. 

Not some triumphant, self-indulgent victory lap of a performance. Hotdogs on lightbulbs for dinner. 

Embrace the chase. 

ps. watch this because it’s an amazing performance, but also for the above quote which comes from the very end of this clip (!)