Permission, Modern Work, And Finding Your Callings

Just Press Record with Lindsey Bell and Guy Penn

Permission, Modern Work, And Finding Your Callings (Just Press Record with Lindsey Bell and Guy Penn)

The world changes. It changed, it will again, it’s in the process of changing. Hence, the world changes. 

Scaling the world, up and through the industrial revolution (and the World Wars), took a lot of institutionalization of factory-style thinking. 

And not that it all stopped or we don’t still need it, BUT.

The reason the internet is as important to understand as Taylorism, is because knowledge-work, or creative-work (extra emphasis on the work word here) has changed in how it’s both understood and valued. 

Lindsey Bell writes about all this in her newsletter, The Shift. It’s underneath all of the markets/strategy work she does at 248 Ventures too. So much so that she even just gave a TEDx Talk about it (follow her for the link when it’s public). 

The companies who understand the intentions required to survive in a post-Industrial world have a chance to thrive. They’ll still need to make stuff, but they’ll also need different types of workers and leaders. They’ll need to understand what’s shifting. 

Guy Penn founded his company, Core Planning, on this concept. It’s more of a consortium than a hierarchical corporation, on purpose. Because to attract the right talent, and to detract the wrong talent, what you build matters. 

Lindsey and Guy helped explain why intentions matter at work and how to reveal them productively. 

They talked about who gives who permission and the philosophy behind the word. 

They talked about how to stay human in a world where AI is feels more industrial than knowledge-based. 

I may have even gotten a good East Coast vs. West Coast rap joke in there at the end too. 

Whether you’re ready to retire because “work feels different,” or you’re helping a college grad think about where to apply for their first job, this conversation is about finding meaning in exchange for our time, attention, and effort. 

I’m thrilled to be hosting conversations like this that we can share. Remember, these videos are to help start MORE conversations, not to have some final say. The world needs more conversations like this and I’m trying to do my part - DO YOURS TOO. 

So come on over and take a listen at the Cultish Creative YouTube channel, Lindsey Bell and Guy Penn came to get down, and it is fascinating: