Play Right

Michigan was narrowly leading Michigan State with seconds left in the game. The play was to punt and run the clock out. But, as fate would have it, the kicker fumbled the snap, Michigan State recovered, and one Jalen Watts-Jackson ran the ball in for the game winning touchdown with the clock at 0:00. For Michigan State fans, it was a miracle. For Michigan fans, it was a tragedy. The dropped snap had been the first turnover of the entire game. They had done everything right up until the very last play in the very last moment. Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh had this to say after the game (emphasis added):

We’re going to put steel in our spine. They played really well, played winning football, competed like maniacs, both teams did. It was a heckuva game. Played winning football. Didn’t get the result. Welcome to football. Move forward.

If the strategy is right, if the effort is right, if the attitude is right (all of which are BIG if’s), and then we still don’t get the result – welcome to business, welcome to life, welcome to family, welcome to ______. Move forward. 

Obsess over playing right. The results will take care of themselves in time. Something to remember.