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  • Podcast of the Week: Apple and Anti-Trust (Plus Some Book Recommendations)

Podcast of the Week: Apple and Anti-Trust (Plus Some Book Recommendations)

In a surprise return, Exponent put up its first episode in months last week. Mostly focusing on concepts from Ben’s Stratechery post, “Anti-Trust, the App Store, and Apple,” they work through a number of concepts that matter a whole lot for other platform businesses, developers, consumers, and politicians. Understanding the business model, the value they (Apple, Facebook, Google, Uber, Amazon, etc.) create, and how they make money is important for everyone to at least basically understand.

Since this podcast might be a little too “in the deep end,” don’t fret and check out Scott Galloway’s book The Four, which is a very approachable primer on Facebook/Apple/Google/Amazon, and Tim Wu’s excellent new (and short) book on the history of American monopolies and how to update trust-busting today, The Curse of Bigness: Anti-Trust in the New Gilded Age. I also wrote a post earlier this week on how to apply some of these concepts to our own professional lives. Enjoy.