Podcast Of The Week: Brendan Frazier’s 100th Episode

Brendan Frazier’s podcast, The Human Side of Money, recently hit its 100th episode. Clap with me. Maybe tell him we’re clapping for him too – this is a serious accomplishment. 

While it’s mostly focused on people in the financial advising industry, his human-centric focus makes it much more broadly accessible. And anybody who does something positive in the world 100 times over, deserves a couple of gold stars or bonus points at least – so yeah, you should check it out. 

Personally, The Human Side of Money is one of the podcasts where I really started to conceptualize the battle between the current self and the future self as it relates to financial planning. Meghaan Lurtz, Hal Hershfield, and Brendan himself all weighed in on it over the past few years, and described it as “a battle.” Hearing it reframed this way – and connecting it to the time I’ve spent in therapy making peace with my own past, present, and future – it pretty profoundly hit home. 

There’s something about hearing professionals in your own industry drill into an idea you understand in a broader context that can be life-altering and -affirming all at once. 

We’ll gladly take 100 more episodes please. Keep going Brendan, this work matters. And if you haven’t heard this episode yet, check out some of the ideas from his community on this episode:

Paul Bradley on balancing the number-side with the human-side to maximize quality of life with peace of mind. 

Scott Frank on how to put empathy before the technical (because people who don’t follow through aren’t “bad” but they might need help to reframe what they’re doing)

Ben Haas on how the backstory always informs the future story and the path towards the future we want. 

Mark Newfield on finding clarity through the act of alignment (really loved his points, I have more reflections on this).

Steven Rowe on helping people do stuff they wouldn’t otherwise do (or get to). 

Ashley Reiter on the importance of highlighting big steps and celebrating big outcomes. I can’t link to Ashley because I’m not sure I can find her – so if anybody knows, drop it in the comments so I can write this wrong. 

PS. And, I may or may not be sprinkled in there talking about the importance of offering reflections relative to selling mirrors too – but I feel like a pigeon hanging out on Mt. Rushmore here, you know?