Podcast Of The Week: Jack Handey On Bullseye

Jack Handey declined his first appearance request on Bullseye with Jesse Thorn because he was worried he might sell too many books. Not because he didn’t want the revenue so much. Mostly because he and his wife have been hand boxing and mailing them, and it just wasn’t a good time for a flurry of orders. 

Oh, the self-awareness, sense of boundaries, and confidence in that decline. What a baller. I’m already thinking deeply. 

Handey is (still) deftly funny and Thorn’s questions come from a place of admiration and sincerity. 

My only reflection after listening was… pure joy. There may be a future post about anonymous psychopaths, mythological archetypes, and trivial questions. Just thank you Jesse for having, recording, and sharing this, it’s going to get more than one listen from me.

ps. This sketch came up a few times. It still slays me. You’ve lived this too, just watch: