Podcast Of The Week: John Cleese On Creativity

Ok, so it’s not a podcast, but you don’t need the video if you want to just listen to it – so get over yourself, will you? (Which is essentially what I’m telling myself as I’m breaking form here and not giving you a literal podcast. Ok. I forgive me, I hope you can too. Let’s proceed.)

John Cleese gave a presentation titled, “Creativity In Management” in 1991. As he explains, “Telling people how to be creative is easy. It’s only being it that’s difficult.” That doesn’t stop him from trying and it’s unsurprisingly brilliant and hysterical.

Listen (or watch! No judgment) here:

ps. My brilliant friend Colin Chung highlighted this in his Osmosis newsletter (which you should also check out). He just started doing book summaries and they are killer.