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  • Podcast Of The Week: Maria Bamford Is Back (New Book + Conan)

Podcast Of The Week: Maria Bamford Is Back (New Book + Conan)

Her new book, Sure I’ll Join Your Cult: A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere is out now so she’s doing some book promo spots. Her interview on Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend didn’t disappoint. This book may not have the same flavor of business-adjacent lessons, but it sounds like it will have more “how to survive life” lessons. 

Bamford does vulnerability like Brené Brown but with funnier voices. The space of panicked zen she’s landed in, it’s enviable. Something worth aiming for. 

Here’s the whole podcast on Spotify, but this bit about performing a live Star Trek gig in malls early in her career is… wow.