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  • Podcast Of The Week: Patty McCord On Standing Up To A Terrible Boss

Podcast Of The Week: Patty McCord On Standing Up To A Terrible Boss

Patty McCord is famous for shaping the culture that helped scale Netflix from startup to world-dominating streaming service. If you’ve never seen the culture deck she created with Reid Hoffman to bring on new employees, it’s legendary.

McCord guests on the How To! podcast this week to help “Shirley” (identity protected) deal with a terrible boss at work. If by the end you don’t want Patty McCord to be your therapist… I don’t even know. It’s a real treat to hear her in action.

This episode is full of insights, not just on how to navigate our careers, but how to build the teams and cultures we want to work in.

Listen to “How To Stand Up To Your Terrible Manager” on the How To! podcast.