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  • Podcast Of The Week: Surviving Lifequakes And The Power Of Narrative Psychology With Bruce Feiler

Podcast Of The Week: Surviving Lifequakes And The Power Of Narrative Psychology With Bruce Feiler

I already highlighted this one, but for a < 30-minute podcast episode, this one is packed: Mastering Change with Author Bruce Feiler on the Hello Monday podcast. Feiler looks at major events and transitions in our personal lives which he calls “lifequakes.” Studies show on average they stretch out over 5 years and Feiler explains how the patterns and stories that break and reform around them impacts our lives. On average, people will go through 5 lifequakes in their lifetime, and it’s safe to assume at least a few people you know, work with, or work for is going through one right now.

The psychology of these events and how we can understand the past and reshape our post-lifequake stories will resonate deeply with anyone in a service-based job (or anyone who just has a pulse and has had to sort out their own crap at one point or another). Give the podcast a listen, read my earlier post on it here, and consider checking out Feiler’s book.