Podcast Of The Week: The Pink House

I listened to this podcast a few weeks ago after Roe was overturned. I’m still thinking of it. As always, Ira Glass gives us a fascinating 360-degree take. I’m still digesting it and wanted to share, just in case you missed it. 

This American Life takes us first to the Pink House in Jackson, Mississippi. We see what happened in the days surrounding the ruling, from the inside of an abortion clinic. 

We shift to Illinois. With the market for abortions altered by new state laws, organizations are figuring out how to re-address demand. 

We hear from a Missouri lawmaker who’s worked her whole life to make Roe fall. 

We hear from a pro-life activist and think through what could happen next with various abortion banning strategies (including examples from the Texas SB8 bill) 

And we finish with an abortion pill smuggler, who is not what you’d expect, and get a feel for what these processes moving deeper underground may look like.

Listening to all of these stories matters. We have to live together, even when we don’t agree. 

We either figure out how to be OK with other people living how they want to live, so long as it doesn’t hurt us, or we don’t. And I really hope we can figure it out.

Listen to “The Little Pink House at the Center of the World” on This American Life.