Podcast Of The Week: Women’s World Cup Podcasts

The Women’s World Cup is underway. Which means I’m overly excited, sleep deprived, and daydreaming about trips to Australia and New Zealand. 

Since my podcast consumption will be hampered by soccer-related podcasts for the next month or so, I might as well share some of my favorites to follow through the tournament:

Quick intro to the (shortened) list I’m sharing! After the Whistle is for casual/new fans especially, their passion is infectious and they will always spend a moment on details others might skip over. Men in Blazers is basically because I like literary and musical references in my sports analysis. Scuffed is for the nerds or those seeking to be nerdier about their sports. Read on if you want more on each. 

After The Whistle: An Unofficial World Cup Show, with Brendan Hunt and Rebecca Lowe. The Ted Lasso star joins America’s favorite Premier League commentator for a feature series that was so good during the men’s tournament, how could they not revive it for the women? They’re a riot together, and I’m putting this first because I think it’s the most easily approachable and relatable. Plus, Lowe’s professional arc ties to the English women in a way that makes her commentary on additional issues like equal pay next level. It’s not too late to go back and listen to “The Women’s World Cup, for A to (New) Z” for an overview of the tournament. 

Men In Blazers: Direct from Down Under, and Do It Live (to help you scrub the feed since they are a media network now!). Rog (primarily) is doing Twitch live streams commentating on the game with guests if you’re into that, but before and after episodes you can get their flavor of critical tactics analysis, critical handshake analysis, and a healthy dose of poetry and book references. Here’s MiB doing the US vs. NED game for a taste.

The Scuffed Podcast. If you’re into strategy and the sport itself, Greg and Belz are close to my heart. They are USWNT focused in case you’re not. Their pre- and post-game analysis is for the nerdy fans. They will watch, then re-watch games to deconstruct what happened, minute by minute. It’s like a (mostly) two-way sports talk radio show and I love it. Scuffed did an excellent tournament preview still worth checking out too.

What are your favorites? Let me know – I literally can’t get enough World Cup. We are so spoiled this year.