Practice Then Perform

“Should I try this?” “Wait, who is going to cover that point?” “Am I closing? You? Does that make sense with our opening?”

These are the types of conversations I have with my team all of the time. They’re essential. But…

Do all that stuff, but then, you’ve still got to perform.

It’s hard sometimes. The analysis paralysis is real. But to win, we’ve got to get out of our own way and do the damn thing.

Coach Wooden used to tell his team on the way out of the locker room before a game, “Well, I’ve done MY job…”

Coach Bob Bowman would regularly tell his swimmers, “We train to turn the brain off and the machine on.”

Coach Phil Jackson preached, “The most we can hope for us to create the best possible conditions for success, then let go of the outcome. The ride is a lot more fun that way.”

None of these are about winning. They are about practicing hard and performing at an elite level. It’s no mistake these coaches all had winning records too.

Practice. Make sure you’re ready. Then do it.

ps. for good measure: