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  • Saturday Morning Media: Tom Morgan On The Mystery Of Curiosity

Saturday Morning Media: Tom Morgan On The Mystery Of Curiosity

Tom Morgan’s presentation, “The Mystery of Curiosity” is a thought, turned into a conversation, aided by research, shaped by more conversations, and finally brought to life as a presentation.

I’ve been waiting for him to pull this together for a minute, and by George, he’s got it. 

Tom says we’re facing “The Four Horsemen of the Meta Crisis.” All of us. Geopolitically and socially, institutionally, ecologically, and mentally – the world seems… off. 

The crisis is made worse by the splitting of the world, away from intuition, and towards more and more explicit logic. 

Sure, bloodletting, horoscopes, and witch doctors are an ok thing to leave in the past when it comes to medicine. 

But is magic really something we want to lose touch with as a humanity? 

If there’s an answer – a turning or whatever term you want to invoke – Tom says it’s going to come from us (all of us) finding more curiosity

Where do we find curiosity? In our heads. In our hearts. He’s got the history, philosophy, and neuroscience to back him up. I feel his take – deeply.

And I know we need more and more of these conversations happening in public.  

Watch his 20 minutes video below, and especially if you’re in finance, watch his presentation version (and then Kyla Scanlon’s follow-up) at the 2024 Exchange Conference. 

Ps. “Wealth is best used as a facilitator of our curiosity” is a mic-dropping line. Preach. I’m so in for this. 

Pss. Do subscribe to Tom’s Substack, What’s Important? too! Find/follow him on Twitter/X here and LinkedIn here.