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  • Savor Every (Stressful, High Stakes) Moment w/ Lindsey Horan

Savor Every (Stressful, High Stakes) Moment w/ Lindsey Horan

You earn the right to experience the stress you’re feeling. 

Important disclaimer: we’re talking about earned stress here, NOT exploited stress. Don’t get this confused. If you’re experiencing the latter, you need to raise your hand and get help. If you’re experiencing the former, read on.  

Earned stress. AKA the stress of the big job, the big gig, the biggest big you’ve bagged (yet). 

Your new peers, and the people you’re still looking up, they’re stressed too. 

Lindsey Horan got called up to the US Women’s Senior team in 2015. She was 18. She’s our captain in the 2023 World Cup. She had this to say on “the stress,” 

Savor every World Cup moment, because making it to play there, is gaining the opportunity to experience a stress so few get to do.

Whatever you’re looking up to and imagining the rarified air “those people” are breathing… don’t forget they’re doing some deep “oh crap oh crap oh crap” breathing too. 

Because they earned the right to do it. 

Respect and appreciate the stress. It’s where growth and greatness come from.