Skeptic Slash Experimenter

find a groove, but stay out of the ruts

Skeptic Slash Experimenter

I used to be deep in the skeptical side of science. The “question everything” side. Sure, you get close to a conspiracy theory once in a while, but that’s part of discovering the limit. You can’t make fun of the flat earthers until you’ve walked to the edge and said, “You guys…hahaha” and seen them not laugh. You have to feel that.

Skeptics ask questions. It’s a muscle worth building. But if you haven’t felt the cold, dead seriousness of skeptical without experimentation endpoints you might not know how badly you need to run the experiments too.

Skeptics can get trapped in question asking.

Experimenters take it one step further and do something about it.

This is the scientific method. In practice. “You guys…hahahaha. Let’s test that hypothesis” is a good start. Skeptical lines must be drawn, but new evidence has to come in the door.

The best way to get stuck in life is to be all questions away from firmly answered points with no new experiments.

Yes, life is short, life is s*** and soon it will be over. So why not do something about it? Ask the question, run the experiment. It’s better to be a little wrong than all dead. Inside or otherwise.

Every time I’ve been in a rut, it’s been because I’ve internally become smugly skeptical.

Every time I’ve gotten out of a rut, it’s been because I’ve tried something out.

Find a groove, but stay out of the ruts (if that’s not a Professional Slash Artist core belief, I don’t know what is).

h/t Tom Morgan for instigating this thought