Sunday Music: Beastie Boys

The Spike Jonze documentary… beautiful. It’s a piece of history, if you’re interested, don’t miss it. Paul’s Boutique will always be one of my top albums. “Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego” is an outright anthem. The smartness, the humor, the technical brilliance, it’s all here. And they even made a hand-painted video. All hail.

Riddle me this, my brother — can you handle it?Your style to my style, you can’t hold a candle to itEquinox symmetry and the balance is rightSmokin’ and drinkin’ on a Tuesday nightIt’s not how you play the game, it’s how you win itI cheat and steal and sin, and I’m a cynicFor those about to rock, we salute youThe dirty thoughts for dirty minds we contribute toI once was lost but now I’m foundThe music washes over and you’re one with the soundWell, who shall inherit the earth? The meek shallAnd, yo, I think I’m starting to peak now, AlAnd the man upstairs, I hope that he caresIf I had a penny for my thoughts, I’d be a millionaireWe’re just three emcees and we’re on the goShadrach, Meshach, Abednego!