Sunday Music: “End Of The Road” By Noga Erez

Israeli singer, songwriter, pop-explorer Noga Erez just released a new album (KIDS) including this song, “End of the Road.” Sometimes all you have to hear a song is once before it gets lodged deep in your head. This track did that to me. One listen, a “that’s interesting, and damn, it’s pretty catchy,” and next thing I know I’m walking around singing it all week. Sorcery.

There’s so much going on here too – between the cross-generational sounds in the production (the album is called KIDS, keep that generational theme in mind), the overall danciness (both in tempo and again, sound/instrument choices), this aspirational/impending death reminder of a chorus:

I don’t know what really, really happens at the end of the roadBut my trip is madI ain’t finished, I got loads

…and, add in the visuals from the video? I’m all sorts of drawn into her entire artistic vision here. This is really cool. I won’t spoil your experience with my interpretation of the metaphors, but give the video a watch and let me know what you think.

Oh, and in case you have any doubts she couldn’t recreate and kill this live, check this out: