Sunday Music: Leikeli47’s “Ladies Love Cool Jewelry”

Leikeli47 is back, still covering her face, and making her form of anonymous musical magic. There’s some great rapping, excellent R&B (I didn’t see this coming, but, OK – this girl can sing), and delightful hooks to keep me going back to this album. 

Maybe she can continue to be the more-underground, masked Lizzo we all need. And I do mean that as a compliment because she’s balancing raw talent with humor, empowerment, and a business-savvy in an incredible way. 

Read some old(er) Leikeli47 mentions by yours truly here, and check out this track off the new record (Shape Up) for starters. As corny as the “ladies love cool jewelry” line is, I love the throwback value combined with the permanently petty status flex of all the metaphors she’s playing with. There’s a lot going on in the lyrics here.