Sunday Music: Making Angel(s)

Jimi Hendrix’s “Angel” has had multiple lives. 

This “making of” video snuck up on me. The demos are so cool to hear. Iteration is a magical part of the artistic process. 

As 2023 comes to a close, I’m embracing the processes. Digging in. Unearthing, as part of the work, in stages. Happy to copy some stuff from others. Knowing what counts is that you just get up on the stage and play at some point. 

That’s the goal for 2024. This will be our year – too. Again and again.

More playing. Metaphorically and literally. The muse already visited. 

Angel came down from heaven yesterday

She stayed with me

Just long enough to rescue me

Thanks for being here with me. I have lots to celebrate from last year. And even more and store too. 

What’s on deck for you?