Sunday Music: Musical Journeyman John Feldmann

Back in the early 1990s, John Feldmann had just had a band break up, and was working in a shoe store when he wrote, “Here In Your Bedroom.”

He self-recorded and self-produced that first Goldfinger record, with the single landing in heavy rotation on KROQ in the wake of Green Day’s sudden rise to popularity, the national network of copycat alternative rock stations put them on the map.

If you want crazy stories, John has lived. From humble beginnings, to fighting with the Sex Pistols on tour, to the very sound of modern pop-rock (punk?), check out his interview with Ross Golan.

He’s managed to turn his own performing career into one of writing, recording, and producing across genres, branching out in obvious directions (Panic! At the Disco), and not so obvious ones (Hillary Duff, Aviici, etc.).

It’s amazing to follow his thread from that song to the present.

Celebrate the journeymen.