Sunday Music: Remember Sports

I can’t stop listening to the newest Remember Sports album, “Slow Buzz.”

While somewhere between indie rock and pop punk, start to finish this album captures the right mix of my own nostalgia for the genres, and (dare I suggest), even some modestly new ground. There’s some Pixies and Breeders mixed in against the Digger and Green Day, and I appreciate some of the more subtle nuance that they as an act are exploring.

The lyrics alone make it worth a visit. Try “You Can Have Alonetime When You’re Dead,” which features these nuggets of pop punk poetry:

Am I regressing or growing legs?My pride on the floor like a broken egg

And later in the song…

We spent our whole lives wishing we were elsewhere andNow that we’re gone we’re just trying to get back there

Start to finish, this album works. I have a feeling I’ll keep coming back to this one all summer.