Sunday Music: The Return of The Regrettes

It’s important to track a few hopefuls on their rise. The Regrettes were a teenage rock band interest story from a few South by Southwest’s ago. Think Brill Building with an edge, a la a modern Joan Jett, combined with some 20-teens angst. There’s a ton of raw talent here between the pop sensibility and the desire to play rock and roll. The new album, How Do You Love, is out now and they’re on the cusp of creating brilliance. The experimentation is a good sign. Try them in their to-be-expected-sweet-spot on “California Friends,” but then see what could be on the more 80s-indie “Dead Wrong.” Somebody please keep the Jonas Brothers production away from them (I don’t trust the synth in the latter song). Give the whole record a shot, this is the sound of promise.