The Best Way Out Is Always Through

Robert Frost said, “the best way out is always through.”

There are other names for the process of getting throughThe dipThe resistanceThe suck.

A personal challenge. Tough markets. A rough patch of life. A personal challenge with tough markets during a rough patch of life.

Getting out is only special because not everyone gets there. Going through is the best way when it accepts the challenges and their toughness as they are.

Any journey that leaves a trail of quitters is worth understand what would have been on the other side. They didn’t start to quit – we can ask what happens IF we accomplish the challenge, IF we hold on through the market turbulence, IF we survive the rough patch of life. 

Generally, the more quitters there are, the greater the outcome is worth. Careers are made by those who just finish the job. Understanding the value also can tell us when quitting actually makes sense. Lots of things just aren’t worth it, and that’s OK too. 

Our jobs create value by getting people through the hard stuff. When the hard times show up, we show up. The best way out is through, and that’s what we do – we get people through.