The Experience Economy

Make something. It’s a “good.” The first “good” is by definition a one-off. 

Make a bunch of those somethings. They are “goods.” This is production at scale. 

Gather feedback and start to tweak the goods. Customization at scale turns “goods” into “a service.” 

We can still go a level deeper. In fact, to stand out, we have to.

When we gather personal feedback and personalize service at the individual level we can create an “experience.” 

If we create an experience that causes the client to say, “Wow. This is awesome. I couldn’t get this anywhere else,” we’ve reached the highest level: “the authentic experience.” 

We have to know what we are aiming for and plan accordingly. If we want our work to stand out, we’ll have to start with what we think will be memorable. Don’t start with the products and goods and assume they’ll be what sticks. Instead, start with an idea for the end-client’s individual experience – the memories and the feelings we want them to walk away with after engaging with us – and work backward to the services and goods that will support it. 

It’s going to be more work, but it’s going to be work well worth the effort.